Praise Allah SWT, Because on occasion the umpteenth time we went again with the month of Ramadhan 1432 H , let us welcome the holy month of Ramadhan this by saying "yes Marhaban Ramadhan 1432H"
These remarks show that that guests are greeted with a roomy chest, full of excitement, as well as ample room prepared for him to do whatever he wants; not grunted and consider kehadiarannya "disturbing the peace" or our cozy atmosphere.
Tarwih happy pilgrims ...
For that we need to prepare lunch and a steely determination to mennelusuri street, fight lust, so that we can turn the night Ramadan with prayers and tadarrus, and lunch with the worship of Allah SWT.
Qur'an uses the word in the sense of fasting according shiyam Shari'a law. In language, the word is rooted shiyam of letters sha-wa-ma means "hold" and "stop" or "not moving". Humans who attempt to refrain from an activity - any activity that - named shaim (fasting). This linguistic understanding its meaning narrowed by Sharia law, so that fasting (shiyam) is only used to "refrain from eating, drinking and effort removing the sperm from dawn until sundown."
Tarwih blessed pilgrims of Allah ...
However, the Qur'an informs that the word does not only limit padamenahan shiyam eat, drink and sexual intercourse, but also used in the sense of talking Manahan (Surat Maryam 19:26). In fact, the Sufis, referring to the nature and purpose of fasting, adding that activities should be limited during fasting include restrictions on the whole body, heart and mind of doing all sorts of sins.
Itself shiyam or shaum for humans is to hold or control themselves, because fasting itupula equated with being patient. Hadith Qudsi which states among others that: al-Ana wa Ajziy Shaumu liy the aritnya Fasting for me, and I who give reward (Narrated by al-bukhari) is identified by many scholars with His word in QS. az-Zumar 39:10:
Which means:
"Say:" O My servants who believe. Observe your duty to your Lord ". People who do good in this world that is good. And Allah's earth is spacious. Only those who are patient their reward Yang dicukupkan indefinitely. ".
People wait in question here is the fasting person. There are several kinds of fasting in the sense of Shari'a / law as in the above mentioned, namely:
1. Mandatory fasting month Ramadan.
2. Kafarrat fasting, due to violations of, or the like.
3. Voluntary fast.
Tarwih happy pilgrims ...
Description of the Quran about Ramadan fasting, is determined in the Qs. al-Baqarah 2:183-185 and 187. This means that the new ramadan fasting is required after the Prophet migrated to Medina, ie on 10 Shaban year-to-2 Hijra. The following verses:
183. O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that you may become pious,
184. (Fasting) for a certain number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on the way (then he was breaking), then (wajiblah him fast) as many days that left it on other days. and mandatory for people who run it hard (if they are not fasting) ransom, (namely): Eating a poor give. Anyone who does good compliance, So That's better for him. and fast is better for you if ye but knew.
185. (Some of the appointed day it was Ramadan, the month in which reduced (beginning) the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and explanations of the instructions and the difference (between the right and the false). Therefore, whoever among you is present (in a country where he lives) in that month, then let him fast the month, and whoever sick or traveling (and then he broke), then (wajiblah her fasting), as many days left, on the other days. God desires ease for you, and do not want hardship for you. and let moderation bilangannya and let glorify God for His guidance is given unto you, that ye may be grateful.
187. Permitted to you on the night of the fasting month wives mixing with you, they are clothes for you, and you too are clothing for them. God knows that you can not restrain your passions, therefore God forgive you and give you Sorry. So hold intercourse with them and follow what has been established by God for you, and eat and drink until the white thread of light to you from the black thread of the dawn. Then complete your fast till (come) night, (but) they do not interfere in it, while you retreat in the mosques. That the prohibition of God, so approach them not. Thus Allah makes His revelations to mankind that they may be cautious.
Tarwih blessed pilgrims of Allah ...
Based on the above verses can be summed up several points, among others:
obligation of fasting in Ramadan, which begins with a call affectionately "O those who believe ...." intended to encourage Muslims to execute it well, without errors. In fact, the purpose of fasting is to fast for its own interests, namely "that ye should fear Him or escape from the torment of hell fire";
The obligation of fasting is only a few days, it was only required for those who are kampong page where he lived, and in good health wal afiat, so that "whoever is sick or on the way" then he should not fast and replace it on another day. "Is a very heavy feel to fast, then he should ransom, which is feeding a poor".
Although fasting is obligatory for Muslims, but "God wants ease for you, not trouble".
Implementation in the sense of holding fast to eat, drink and conjugal relations from dawn to begin the sunset. Therefore, eating, drinking and sexual intercourse can be done since the sunset till dawn. but fasting should be enhanced and not tainted by the act violates the norms of religion, "complete the fast till night".
Tarwih happy pilgrims ...
Clearly the Qur'an states that the purpose of fasting is to attain taqwa, la'allakum tattaqun. Refrain from hunger is not the main purpose of fasting. This is required in the hadith of the Prophet, which means "Many diatara people who fasted did not gain anything from his fast except hunger and thirst."
Taqwa, literally means to escape, mejauhi, keep yourself. Sentence orders ittaqullah, literally means avoid, shun or guard yourselves from Allah, meaning it is impossible can be done by creatures. How might shy away from God or away from Him, but God is with you wherever you are. Therefore need to be prepared to straighten out the word or sentence meaning. For example, words that convey the same punishment or with him, so pious command means a command to refrain from the punishment of God.
Tarwih happy pilgrims ...
Thus, fasting is required by all people, rich or poor, smart or stupid, for personal interest or the society, namely self-control. This suggests that by fasting, the human effort in its early stages and at least emulate the attributes of God. the prophet said: "Takhallaqu bi God morality" Teladanilah attributes of God. Humans have a need for diverse, and most important is the need fa'ali, yaiut eat, drink, and hububgab husband and wife. The third requirement was not needed by Allah SWT.
Besides fasting aimed at enhancing a sense of brotherhood and social care, fasting hone and nurture people to have patience and honest nature.
Hopefully The fast and the other devotions in the month of Ramadan is later able to bear the values of faith, the values of brotherhood, and honesty wag .**
Allah knows best Wa bi al-Shawab.
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